Saturday, February 19, 2011

Calisthenic 1, Week 6

Recursivity Exercise

line from, "The Egret and the Dawn" by Dan Albergotti
"The egret extends his neck, preparing to speak"
The egret speaks, preparing his neck.
Speaking, the prepared egret extends himself.
Himself an egret, and speaking, he extended preparations.
The egret prepares to speak, snapping his neck.
To extend a snap, the egret speaks and prepares.
Preparing to snap, the extended egret speaks.
Speaking of egret, an extended snap prepares himself.
The egret outside prepares to fly, extending his neck.
With neck extended, the flying egret prepares to speak.
To the egret I speak, with neck extended.
Prepared to speak, I extend my hand to the egret.

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