Monday, January 31, 2011

Sign Inventory 1, Week 3

"Paramour" by Angie Estes (page 67 in Writing Poetry)

-free verse and recursive: repetition of sound is the motor of this poem, as in "par for/ l'amour is par/ for the course", "boeuf or beef", and "assignage [...]/ fromage [...] French call/ feet of the angels."
-total of 32 lines;
most are short (13-nearly half-consist of four or less words)
starting in line 18, longer lines become the norm (5 to 9 words; all in all, still not long)
-all ines enjambed
-besides the last line, only line 15 ends with a period
-italics occur throughout the poem, applied to foreign words, words pointed out to be chosen labels (home and love) and phrases specifically said or thought of (Picasso's she will or the French's feet of the angels)
-French is the only foreign language used, also claiming the title
-three people are named: a sculptor, a painter, and a poet
-there is an ongoing discussion of the discrepancy between art and reality (the relationship between name and thing, painter and painted, sculptor and sculpted)

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